The Winemakers

• Domaine Changarnier
 • Florent Garaudet
 • Jérome Gerbeault
 • Dom. Potinet-Ampeau
• Eric de Suremain
 • Ulrich Dujardin
 • Domaine Douhairet
 • Alain Billard
 • Eric Boussey
 • Jacky Clerget
 • Paul Garaudet
 • Laurent Boussey
 • Bernard De Suremain
 • Gérard Doreau
 • Sebastien Deschamps
 • Domaine Darviot-Perrin
• David Dubuet

Sociéte Secours Mutuel

de la Saint Louis

Président: Ulrich Dujardin

The Saint Louis Society of mutual assistance (secours mutuelle) is a society for helping one another.

It was created in 1847 and today it brings together a group of wine growers who are concerned to keep this tradition going. When a wine grower is prevented from working by a serious illness or an accident, the mutual help society takes care of the work on his vines until the harvesting.

Saint Louis, its Patron Saint, is feted on two occasions.
Around the 25th August, the feast day of St Louis, there is the celebration consisting of a gathering, a procession and a grand reunion. Then at the time of the St Vincent Tournante there is a gathering together of all the Burgundian societies of mutual assistance.

This famous St Vincent celebration started in the 1930s. In 1938 only 6 societies processed, in 1965 it numbered 50 and in 2006, 80. Monthelie has hosted the St Vincent twice, in 1968 and in 2004.